Thursday, November 6, 2008

Kylie acts old!

Hello all! I know we need to get pics up, but we're having some hard drive issues. When we get those fixed, I'll get you pics!

Anyway, for those wanting updates - our little girl is crawling ALL over the place. She'll go after anything but if there's an electronic gadget within the same state, she's headed that way. Laptops and xbox controllers seem to be her favorite! She is also a puff eating machine. She LOVES the banana and sweet potato ones!

Last week she learned how to pull herself up all by herself. So she pulls herself up to standing on her own all the time and it seems to be a cake walk for her now. What scares mom and dad is that she's also standing on her own when she feels like it for about 5-30 seconds depending on how much she focuses! We figure the booger will be walking before Christmas! Ought to make the holidays interesting!

Now we're getting ready for Thanksgiving after dressing her up as a pretty cute penguin for her first Halloween. I'm getting the pics from grammy and they'll be on the next post!

Gotta check out for now, more later!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Oh, here we go!

So Kylie made TREMENDOUS strides tonight....the girl is all but crawling! She learned how to use her arms to crawl. She just can't go very far very fast! Can we say baby gate anyone?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Wow, ok so I'm behind!

Alright, alright, alright already! LOL I'm a bit behind as things here have been a little crazy! I start a new job on Monday (so before that I was job hunting), everyone has been sick off and on as I am catching EVERYTHING our little one brings home (Rob has avoided all of the illnesses but one or two), and well trying to keep up everything with a 6 month old can lead to general chaos occassionally. Anyway, you're not interested in all of that, many of you want to know about Kylie!

Kylie is doing great. As many of you are aware she is now just over 6 months old and is rolling all over the place! She is having a blast rolling and scooting all over our floor to get toys. She's even more interested in getting to paper items she can shred. She has also become very interested in toes lately! She's passing up her toys to go after the nearest persons toes! Not sure what the fascination is there....

She started first foods awhile ago and loves them. The only one we haven't fed her is prunes - (I won't do that to her!) LOL. While she enjoys all of them sweet potatoes are her favorite. She has also enjoyed tastes of lemon, general tso's, szchewan (sp?), mashed potatoes, ice cream (FYI - never feed an infant too much it just ain't fun), and just about any sauce we are eating that's not too spicy. She also got a taste of chocolate and well folks, she's a girl, so she's like the rest of us and went crazy over the chocolate. She also got some cheerios this week and is learning how to use a sippy cup now. Once we run out of the first foods we have she'll be starting on 2nd foods! New tastes for her - yay!

She is also up on all fours now and trying to crawl. She can get up on all fours and take two steps, then she launches herself when trying that third step towards crawling. She's almost there so anyday now....yep, we're already trying to find a baby gate. She's also doing a good job sitting up on her own though doesn't choose to do so often. She is often frustrated as she doesn't want to do anything but stand up and walk. She's a little early for that walkin' stuff and sometimes it makes her really mad she can't walk and go play with the other kids!

We also have learned that she's taken a shine to Dylan in her classroom. LOL. Messin' with the boys already! Apparently they talk often and I guess they were both on the floor and Kylie just started crawling all over him until her daycare provider Vonda was able to go pick her up. Vonda said she thought Kylie could take him!

The other fun thing we did is thanks to the power outage here I was off work, so I spent one of my days off at the zoo with Kylie. Grandma Potts and I went to the zoo taking Kylie for the first time. We had a lot of fun taking her around and letting her look at all of the animals! But buddy, when we hit the aquarium, Kylie LOVED it! So much so I'm seriously considering a fish tank for her for Christmas. She just loved watching the bright colored fishies swimming around!

The only minor blip we've had was Kylie had an ear infection that wouldn't go away. While it's gone now, it took three rounds of antibiotics to get rid of it and while she was on the last round she also got the stomach flu and well, mom joined the club because I had it this week. She's got to quit catching stuff from daycare!

So overall things are great. We're having a blast with her and she's so curious and learning so much everyday!

And now.....the moment you've all been waiting are some recent pics!

Kylie at the petting zoo

Kylie's first carosel ride

Kylie plays with her Johnny Jump Up

Kylie gets some dinner

"Pull over or speed up!" Road rage starts early!

Yep, this was at 4 months so imagine what she's doing now! We told you she likes to stand up!

Well guys, that's it for now. I will try to update more regularly but no promises! I'll also be sending out hard copies of her 3 and 6 month pictures by month end, so look for those in the mail! Until next time!

Monday, June 16, 2008

More Development!

Kylie rolled over this past week! She's also grabbing for toys now. As soon as she quits being camera shy, we'll get some video up for you out of towners!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

2 Month Dr. Visit & More

Can you believe Kylie is already more than 10 weeks old?!?! We can't. She had her two month visit today and boy was it not a fun visit. Poor little thing got 4 of her vaccinations and she was NOT happy about it. Who would be? Outside of that she's grown quite a bit! She's now 23.5 inches and weighs 11.7 pounds. Rob and I think the weight was a bit off, but that's what the doctor's scale said. (Those scales never are right ya know!) :-) She's still 90th percentile in length, but dropped to 75th in weight and 85th in head circumfrance. Overall, doctor said she's progressing as she should.

As for at home, Kylie is doing great. She's talking a ton, almost has figured out how to roll over, and is generally very observant. She doesn't want to miss ANYTHING! She's always watching everyone and everything. She also can't stand to lay down much anymore. She wants to be sitting up all the time. So baby bumbo for the win!

We also had Kylie baptized on Memorial Day weekend at the First Presbyterian Church in London. Gordon had the opportunity to baptize her. (He married Rob and I only a few years ago.) Well, below are some pictures to catch you up! Enjoy!

Kylie's Bumbo

Kylie loves her sheepies!

Kylie's baptism with the quilt the church gave us

Kylie's baptism

Sticken' her tongue out at mom & dad

Ridin' Cosmo!

Grinnin' away

Friday, May 9, 2008

1 Month Doctor Visit

So Kylie had her 1 month visit this past said everything looked great and Kylie is now 90th percentile for everything. We have ourselves one very healthy little girl though after an urgent care visit on Friday night, happens to be allergic to Similac Advance. So we are now buying the expensive formula that is hypoallergenic. Rob decided the cats got to Kylie before we did and told her to puke, poop, cry, do whatever she had to do to get the 'good' stuff. (For those who don't know Cosmo and Magic have to have Science Diet - expensive food - or they get sick and puke all over the place.) So that's it for this week....see you all next week!

Monday, April 28, 2008

A Little Catch Up!

Alright, so it's been awhile as I haven't had time to learn how to post pictures. Can you believe that Kylie is 5 weeks old already?!?! We weighed her last night here at home and she weighed 11.6 lbs! It's no wonder the car seat seemed heavier! She's also gained two inches as she's measuring at 23.5 inches. So depending on the brand, she is starting to wear some of the 6 month outfits because of her length! And I thought she grew out of the cute owl outfit quick!

Kylie has been one busy girl lately! She's been out meeting several people for lunch, been shopping at the Lodi outlets where she met my friend Lisa's new baby girl, been spending time with Granny-Ma so mom and dad could golf some - (though the golf game was the worst golf ever played we believe), and been out and about with mom during the day. Kylie is definatley getting used to mom and dad's busy lifestlye.

Along with being busy running, she has also managed to roll over on the bed from front to back with a little bit of slope in the bed and she almost rolled over front to back on the floor on Saturday! It won't be long and she'll be rolling all over the place! All of the work to learn to roll over has also been making her very tired much to our delight! She slept through the night twice over the last few days and probably would have slept through the night other nights if we weren't messing up her sleep schedule with our traveling.

So here are some pictures from the first 5 weeks - we won't post them all as we took about 300 pictures already!

Cosmo Waiting on Kylie - she's taken to sleeping in the rocker whenever she gets a chance

Kylie at Play Time with her inch worm - she was wide awake and having some fun

I laid Kylie down for a minute in her crib and then had to find a camera before we moved her! Rob even made the panel the quilt is hanging on in the nursery.

This is one of dad's favorite pictures!

Finally, Kylie thought she was pretty cool with the sunglasses Granny-Ma got her!

As for a brief update on the rest of the family - 5 weeks after having Kylie life is getting back to normal - I got the release from my doctor to return to life as normal as I've had a terrific recovery after the surgery. So I'm back at the gym and thanks to loss of baby weight and starting back to weight watchers I'm down 45 lbs - only 29 to go and I'm back to where I was, then I have a bit more to go. Rob is doing great a well though still hoping for a new job in the very near future. So that's it for now, we'll post again after her next doctor appointment first week of May!